1. Seek professional help. Are you not feeling like yourself? Schedule an appointment with your doctor and then find a therapist that fits your needs. You have probably been avoiding it, right? It's not too late to reach out to the professionals. Your friends and family may be a listening ear, but they can't give you the necessary tools and resources to help you professionally.
2. Slow down. We know a lot is going on in the world, and you want to keep up with everything. Now is the perfect time to whine down after a long day. Use this time to meditate, practice mindfulness, yoga, or exercise. Going to bed early and getting a good night's rest can help you relax your mind and slow down too. 3. Start each day with a positive mindset. Shifting your focus from having negative thoughts and energy can take time. Start small and begin each day with a positive thought or affirmation to set the tone for yourself. Be patient and you'll begin to see the results shining through, as long as you build the foundation to start each day with a positive mindset. 4. Step out of your comfort zone. This may be easier said than done, but we want to challenge you to something new. Do something that scares you a little, it will be worth it in the end. After all, you are the only one in charge of your destiny. Stepping out of your comfort zone is only the beginning to give yourself a boost and to also help you start each day with a positive mindset. You'll be glad you did! 5. Find a support system (or group). Connect with others on social media, groups, podcasts, or friends who may be in a similar boat as you. Your mental wellness journey doesn't have to be lonely, use your connections and explore your options. Surround yourself with people who will cheer you on and hold you accountable, not those who will the little energy you have. 6. Practice Gratitude. Some days are harder than others, trust us...we completely understand. A little gratitude goes a long way. Being grateful for each day, your family and friends, and even the things you have that others may not. Gratitude looks and feels different for everyone, define what exactly it is and means to you, and try practicing each day.
Pathways Transition Programs, Inc. 120 E Trinity Place, Decatur, Georgia 30030 404.378.2300 © 1991 — 2022 All rights reserved.